Over the top? Unrealistic? The survival tin is an essential expedition component regardless of whether you’re an explorer, traveller, outoorsman/woman or serving in the military. It shows a preparedness and an acknowledgment that things may go wrong at some point in your trip. Remember the 7 P’s ;
- Prior
- Preparation
- Planning
- Prevents
- Piss
- Poor
- Performance
The Survival Tin should be small enough to keep on your person at all points and should cover the Survival Prioritise/ Hierarchy.
P – Protection from (further) harm and the elements. (you’ll last 3 hours max, worse case scenario, without it)
L – Location should be transmitted to potential rescuers at the earliest Opportunity. Location methods should remain in force throughout scenario.
A- Acquisition of water is your first priority (you’ll last 3 days max without it) Food is your second (you’ll last 3 weeks max without it)
N- Navigate yourself out of the situation if help doesn’t appear. Bear in mind that rescuers may be looking for you in your last known location. If Rescue tells you to stay where you are, you do just that!
M – Medical – Medical knowledge and first aid underpins everything.
From Top L to Bottom R
Survival Tin (Metal) – robust, able to boil water/cook food/signal location (mirror), Sealed with water proof tape (Navigation and water crossings)
Foil Blanket – Improvised tarp, hypothermia treatment, water collection, signal/location (tinsel tree)
Fishing Kit – Acquisition of food (fishing/tangle), medical (sewing kit)
Cotton wool – Fire when used in conjunction with ferrous rod and
vaseline./ Medical.
Pencil and paper – Navigation/sketch map. Medical observations. Tinder from wood/rubber/paper.
Condom – Water collection (2 litres), tinder, Medical wound dressing
Small Knife and sharpening stone – The best knife to use in a survival situation?……..the knife you’ve got. Should be small and robust.
Candle – Fire lighting, light, signal, tinder, food (if made from animal fat) repairing torn clothing.
Fire Block – Fire lighting/signal
Chlorine tablets – water purification/sterilisation
Pottasium Permanginate – water purification/fire lighting/signal
Whistle – Location, in an emergency blow 6 LONG blasts over 1 minute
Storm matches – Fire
Razor blade (sterile) – Medical/game prep/protection
Button Compass – Navigation/Location
Rubber/Rubber band – Long burning tinder – Fire/ Medical
Small First Aid Kit – Medical/protection, Fire. Should include; Para/Brofen, plasters, small bandage.
Heliograph – Location, signalling Ground to Air
IR Beacon – Location, Signalling ground to Air
Ferrous striker – Essential for fire lighting
Wire Saw – Prep of fire wood, can be made into hand held saw by building jig. Acquisition/Medical
Parachord – Protection/Location/Acquisition/Medical
Wire – Carry enough for 8-10 snares. Protection/Medical
Tea/Coffee – Superb for morale!
Sewing kit – Medical, repairing clothes, trapping
Suspender Buttons – Suspending water filters, replacement “larks feet” for improvised shelter.
Safety Pins – Repairing clothes, Medical, Acquisition – Fish hooks
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