We’re getting pretty excited about our new filming project in collaboration with the guys over at SumoSurvival. Each episode will be dedicated to Debunking some of the Survival myths that we all accept as being true, whilst at the same time confirming some of the more unbelievable ones.
The Series “Pseudo Survival” will be available on YouTube, as well as being posted up on our website and social media.
The first episode will be all about the Survival/mountain whistle and it’s effectiveness and range in a number of scenario’s. We’ll be testing everything as accurately and scientifically as possible to give you, the viewer, the most accurate information we can, to be able to make your choices on equipment and techniques safetly.
We’ve got a long list on what we think we should be filming, but if you’ve ever wondered about techniques that you quite frankly thought were BS, then leave us a comment below or send an email to info@backcountrysurvival.co.uk.
As soon as the first episode comes out we’ll let you know!