Once again a big thankyou to all the shops that turned out to our first Southern training course for Fjallraven; Cotsolds, Tisos, Trekkit, Elis Brigin, Bushcraft Store, Taunton leisure, Crib Goch and Trailblazer Outdoor. We have been running courses aimed at shop employees distributing Fjallraven for 4 years now, and in our eyes this is the best way to train up individuals that are being asked the question by customers. So what do the attendees learn?
Similar to our Multi-environment courses we cover;
Clothing choices and which materials to use in which environments
Pitching tents in a wild camping setting
Use of a range of stoves, from gas to petrol
Location lessons, including what type of equipment they should be selling to their clients; whistles, survival bags, PLB, foil blankets
Game preperation
Navigation skills including map and compass and GPS