We tested BCB’s Fire Dragon solid fuel and multi fuel stove over our annual 4000’s trip this summer.
The stove is pretty much identical to the solid fuel stoves the British military still use, however the updated version has a wind protector clip attachment which is very useful.
Back in the day, Hexamine fuel was used in combination with the stove, however, anyone that’s used Hexamine knows that it’s an incredibly dirty fuel, that stains mess tons and pots with a thick black soot. Hexamine is also exceptionally bad for the environment.
The new Fire Dragon from BCB however is alcohol gel, which burns almost completely clean…..good news for your pans and the environment!
The 4000’s trip takes 3 days and takes in 7 of the highest munroes in Scotland. Rather than take my trusty Jetboil I settled for the BCB multi fuel stove and 6 Fire Dragon blocks. The fuel lasted me for the duration allowing me to boil water for 5 freeze dried meals, and 6 brews. Not bad!
What i would say however is that when used in windy conditions, convection markedly increases the “boil time” and thus reduces the calorific output of each block. Always make sure you use these stoves in a sheltered (but well ventilated) area.
Did you know? Because the Fire Dragon blocks are made of alchol they can also be used for washing hands and sterilising cuts!
You can buy you multi-fuel stove here: